John Anthony Frusciante (vyslovuje se "froo-shon-tay") se narodil 5.března 1970 v newyorské čtvrti Queens. Jeho otec John a matka Gail byli aktivními muzikanty (hlas jeho matky je možné slyšet v hitu Under The Bridge). Má dva bratry...

Píseň: The Slaughter

John Frusciante
Shadows Collide With People
I'll know her face a mile away
I'll know her face a mile away
I'll know her face a mile away
I'll know her face a mile away

You'll be there in the slaughter
Freeing me when I'm cornered 
Being arrested by the mind cops
They're the only ones worth changing what you do for
And I try to be in line

I guide my fate
And what it's good for there's no telling
It's blood
It's a flood
I'll know her face a mile away (She'll take me straight through the gate)
I'll know her face a mile away (She'll take me straight through the gate)

Living there in a flower
You wouldn't have made it without her
Though she seems to stay in one place
She grows with your life
So cry for time
What's slow is fast at the same time
It comes to life
And if it dies
You'll never notice cuz it
It slides as it climbs
I'll know her face a mile away
I'll know her face a mile away
I'll know her face a mile away
I'll know her face a mile away

And I'll know my pain's a life away
I'll know my pain's a life away
I'll know my pain's a life away
I'll know my pain's a life away