Slavný americký zpěvák a kytarista oblasti rocku, rockabilly a country. Narozen r. 1936 v Texasu, hudebně ovlivněn Donem Gibsonem. V 1. pol. 50. let působil v countryové sk. Wink Westerners. V r. 1955 zpívá už R&R; ve sk. Teen Kings (1 singl)....

Píseň: The World You Live In

Roy Orbison
May the world you live in bring the good life 
 That grows sweeter as it mellows with time 
 May the world you live in be a world love lives in 
 A love like your love and mine 

 May the children you bear bring contentment 
 As you guide them with your gentle hand 
 May you know all the things true love can bring 
 Between a woman and a man 

 May the dreams that you build always be filled 
 Keep the love shining in your eyes 
 If the bad times or the sad times ever come to you 
 Let this man be the one that you always turn to 

 May the seasons of your life touch you gently 
 And may happiness you always find 
 May these arms that surround you always be around you 
 And the world that you live in forever be mine