Slavná americká zpěvačka, původem ze st. Tennessee, nar. v r. 1939 pod jménem Anna Mae Bullock. Významný byl mimo jiné i její vliv na řadu rockových interpretek. Začínala v R&B klubech v St. Louis, kam odešla se svojí sestrou. Tam se přidává...

Píseň: Tonight Ill Be Staying Here With You

Tina Turner
Tina Turner Turns The Country On
Throw my ticket out the window
Throw my suitcase out there too
Throw my troubles out the door
I don't need them any more
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you.

I should have left this town this morning
But it was more than I could do
Oh, your love comes on so strong
And I've waited all day long
For tonight when I'll be staying here with you.

Is it really any wonder
The love that a stranger might receive
You cast your spell and I went under
I find it so difficult to leave.

I can hear that whistle blowin'
I see that stationmaster, too
If there's a poor boy on the street
Then let him have my seat
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you.

Throw my ticket out the window
Throw my suitcase out there too
Throw my troubles out the door
I don't need them any more
'Cause tonight I'll be staying here with you.