Americký zpěvák původem z Chicaga, vl. jm. Samuel Cook (nar. 1931). Jeho záběr sahal od gospelu, blues a soulu až po swing a rock´n´roll. Od 40. let zpíval gospely, nejprve se svými sourozenci ve sk. Singing Children, později ve sk. Highway...

Píseň: Too Young

Sam Cooke
Hits Of The 50's
They try to tell us we're too young
 Too young to really be in love
 They say that love's a word
 A word we've only heard
 But can't begin to know the meaning of
 And yet we're not too young to know
 This love will last though years may go
 And then some day they may recall
 We were not too young at all
 And yet we're not too young to know
 This love will last though years may go
 And then some day they may recall
 We were not too young at all