Slavný americký zpěvák a kytarista oblasti rocku, rockabilly a country. Narozen r. 1936 v Texasu, hudebně ovlivněn Donem Gibsonem. V 1. pol. 50. let působil v countryové sk. Wink Westerners. V r. 1955 zpívá už R&R; ve sk. Teen Kings (1 singl)....

Píseň: Truly, Truly True

Roy Orbison
Roy Orbison's Many Moods
I love you I do. 
 I love you truly truly true. 
 Truly true. 
 If the world should end today, I could say. 
 At least I've had my day with you. 
 Truly true. 
 Truly baby, I love you 
 Truly, truly, truly true. 

 And for some the world may end. 
 But for us it will begin again and again. 
 Truly true, I love you I do. 
 I love you truly truly true. 
 Truly true.