Německá zpěvačka v oblasti punk - new wave. Vlastním jménem Catharina Hagen. Pochází z východního Berlína (nar.1955). V 1. pol. 70. let zpívala s polskou skupinou System a východoněmeckými Automobil a Fritzens Dampferband. V r. 1976 emigrovala...

Píseň: UFO

Nina Hagen
UFO's upon Kyoto 
Upon Kyoto

abseloute concentration, transedental meditation

it's a totally different energy

saw it up there in the air 
i was just standing there 

UFOs upon kyoto 

and you are not alone 
remember it's true
(i was just standing there)

the u-f-os are picking us up, the u-f-os are picking us up,
the u-f-os are picking us up, the u-f-os are picking us up!

(up there in the air)Up there in the air

earthquake in los angeles, earthquake in los angeles, 
earthquake in los angeles, earthquake in los angeles!

smoke alarm, los angeles, smoke alarm, los angeles, 
smoke alarm, los angeles, smoke alarm, los angeles

abseloute concentration transedental meditation
abseloute concentration transedental meditation 

oooommm nammooooh, 
(abseloute concentraton, transedental meditation)
????dderr namoohh (its a totally different energy)

I give you the highest of all the spirits, the holy spirit, the holy spirit,
I give you the highest of all the spirits, the hole spirit, the hole spirit, 
THE U.F.O DID IT! the ufo did it! THE U.F.O DID IT!

let's fly with heart and soul
though 6th street and 7th street, 
come back to main street

(upon kyoto)

and you are not alone! remember its true. REMEMBER ITS TRUE!
you are not alone!

i give you the highest of all the spirits, the holy spirit
i give you the highest of all the spirits, the hole spirit
the holy spirit
the ufo did it