Amy Diamond je švédská popová zpěvačka, která se narodila 15.dubna 1992 ve švédském městě Norrköping švédské matce Chrisbeth a anglickému otci Lee. Má čtyři sourozence: Holly (10), Lisu (14), Danielle (23) a brášku Charlieho (2). Krátce po...

Píseň: Up

Amy Diamond
Swings and Roundabouts

All set you bet ready to go
Anything can happen,nobody knows
One step,two steps,we´re getting close
To our destination,gonna put on a show

Tonight can be all that we imagine
Everything we want and more
As long as the music keeps on playing

Ref:Now won´t you turn it up,up,up
louder don´t stop
Take me over lift me up high
You need to turn it up,up,up
we´re ready
Ready for this evening,ready for the feeling
won´t you turn it up


Don´t you hold back
no no no
let the rhythm,lead you
anything goes

Dance or don´t dance
do what you like

Let the elevate you
don´t put up a fight

Tonight can be all that we imagine
Everything we want and more
As long as the music keeps on playing

Ref:Now won´t you turn it up,up,up
louder don´t stop
Take me over lift me up high
You need to turn it up,up,up
we´re ready
Ready for this evening,ready for the feeling
won´t you turn it up

Wanna get  lost in the night
wanna get lost in the feeling
Wanna get  lost in the night
in music
in music

Ref:Now won´t you turn it up,up,up
louder don´t stop
Take me over lift me up high
You need to turn it up,up,up
we´re ready
Ready for this evening,ready for the feeling
won´t you turn it up

louder don´t stop
Take me over lift me up high
You need to turn it up,up,up
we´re ready
Ready for this evening,ready for the feeling
won´t you turn it up

won´t you turn it up
won´t you turn it up