Americká zpěvačka a kytaristka, původem z Texasu (nar. 1958), hvězda oblasti C&W a country rocku. Začínala jako dítě v pol. 60. let se svojí sestrou La Costou. V r. 1969 se Tanya Tucker objevuje v programu zpěvačky Judy Lynn. Rychlý vzestup...

Píseň: What Do They Know

Tanya Tucker
Can't Run From Yourself
They say that life goes on
I'll find true love again. 
It's not the end of the world, 
one day my heart will mend. 
Someone will come along and a new love will grow 
That's what they say but what do they know
How could they know the pain I feel inside my heart,
they never lost your love, 
so who do they think they are. 
They never held you, or had to let you go. 
Well They're not trying to live without you, 
so what do they know

They say all is fair in love 
but for me that's just not true. 
I feel like someone took a knife 
and cut my life in two.
It's better to have love and lost 
than to have never loved, I'm told. 
At least that's what they say, but what do they know 
Well they're not trying to live without you, 
so what do they know