Dětství Hudební život Raye Charlese Robinsna začínal, když mu bylo asi pět let. Tehdy uslyšel hrát muže, jménem Wylie Pitman, který byl nejspíš pasák v nevěstinci. „Když ho Ray slyšel hrát, propadl hudbě tělem i duší.“ Pokaždé, když zaslechl...

Píseň: Yes Indeed

Ray Charles
Yes Indeed!
Yes indeed yes indeed I've got that feeling in me yes indeed
You will shout when it hits you yes indeed
Yes you'll shout when it hits you yes indeed
When that spirit moves you you will shout hallelujah
When it hits you you'll holler yes indeed
It comes out if it's in you yes indeed
It makes you shout Jack it sends you yes indeed
When that jive starts jumpin' you will shout let me in there
When it hits you you'll holler yes indeed
Yes you'll shout when it hits you yes indeed...
It comes out if it's in you yes indeed...
Yes indeed yes indeed I've got that feeling in me yes indeed
When that spirit moves you you will shout hallelujah
When it hits you when it hits you
When it hits you yes indeed