Zayn Malik se narodil 12. ledna 1993 jako Zain Javadd Malik v anglickém Bradfordu. Otec Yaser Malik je britsko-pakistanského původu zatímco matka je angličanka s irskými kořeny. Ta však po svatbě konvertovala k islámu. Zayn má tři sestry. Starší...

Píseň: Zayn Malik - Part of the list

Zayn Malik
His covers
Smell of your hair 
Shape of your eyes and your nose 
The way you stare as if you see right through to my soul 
To your left hip and the way it's not quite big as your right 
The way you stand in the mirror before we go out at night 
Not quiet type, your beautiful mind .

They're all part of the list 
things that I miss
things like your funny little laugh or the way you smile or the way we kiss 
what I notice is this 
I come up with 
Something new every single time that I sit and reminisce.