Briolette Kah Bic Runga se narodila 13. ledna v roce 1976 jako třetí dcera vojákovi Josephu Runga a čínské kabaretní zpěvačce Sophii Tang, kterou Joseph poznal v Malajsii během Vietnamské války. Vyrůstala v křesťanské čtvrti na okraji města...

Píseň: Beautiful Collision

Bic Runga
Beautiful Collision
What a beautiful collision
Things that go bump in the night
With such beautiful precision
Fate could create you and I
Do you know what it means
To abandon your dreams?
To leave with the storms rolling by
How the clouds on this day
Come to take you away
Til you're gone gone far away from me
Beautiful beautiful night
What a beautifully dangerous ride
What a beautiful day we could hardly complain about
What's going on in the sky
What a beautiful collision
Things that go bump in the night
With such beautiful precision
Fate could create you and I
Do you know what it means
To abandon your dreams?
To leave with the storms rolling by
How the clouds on this day
Come to take you away
Til you're gone gone far away from me
Beautiful beautiful night
What a beautifully dangerous ride
What a beautiful day we could hardly complain about
What's going on in the sky
Move with the strangers
That pass through your days
If someone by chance 
Should call out your name
When you're lost in the places you don't care to stay
A blinding romance to blow you away