Briolette Kah Bic Runga se narodila 13. ledna v roce 1976 jako třetí dcera vojákovi Josephu Runga a čínské kabaretní zpěvačce Sophii Tang, kterou Joseph poznal v Malajsii během Vietnamské války. Vyrůstala v křesťanské čtvrti na okraji města...

Píseň: Counting The Days

Bic Runga
Beautiful Collision
Counting the days on the calendar
Strange how they bleed into each other
All that I need 
Is a day with you
Pencil me in on your Saturday
Taking my leave
Should I be waylaid please wait for me
On a day with you 
Maybe for now an hour will do
Remember my dear this time last year
The sunsets were late and the days were long 
And the nights were filled with song
The nights were filled with song
Strolling the street we're strangely complete
Let's stay awake till the morning comes
We don't need anyone
We don't need anyone
Wasting my life at the traffic lights
Getting nowhere
Trapped in the turnstiles
Stay within reach
Of a day with you
Maybe for now and hour will do