Známý kytarista a zpěvák pocházející ze skotského Glasgowa (nar. 1949). Začínal v Leedsu v country-bluesovém duu Duolin String Pickers (se Stevem Phillipsem). Od r. 1977 leader sk. Dire Straits. V polovině osmdesátých let vystoupil na vrchol s...

Píseň: Blood and water

Mark Knopfler
Blood and water bound to overflow
Blood and water bound to overflow
Well there’s no more high water
But the Old Man’s just waiting, I know

He was sent up on the levee
Now they’ve gone up country
They won’t do nothing for you now 
And don’t go asking me
They’ve gone - it’s all over here
Sometimes I’d see her passing
With the evening coming on
I’ve seen you on her pathway
I’ve seen you at dawn
Look over yonder at that empty shack
You know as well as I do
Theyain’t coming back
They’re gone - it’s all over here

Blood and water bound to overflow
Blood and water bound to overflow
Well there’s no more high water
But the Old Man’s just waiting, I know

So many promises
We broke them, every one
Kept people on the levees
Withsherrifs and shotguns
They’re gone - it’s all over here
Look over yonder at that empty shack
You know as well as I do
Theyain’t coming back
They’re gone - it’s all over here

Blood and water bound to overflow
Blood and water bound to overflow
Well there’s no more high water
No more high water
There’s no more high water
But the Old Man’s just waiting, I know