Známý kytarista a zpěvák pocházející ze skotského Glasgowa (nar. 1949). Začínal v Leedsu v country-bluesovém duu Duolin String Pickers (se Stevem Phillipsem). Od r. 1977 leader sk. Dire Straits. V polovině osmdesátých let vystoupil na vrchol s...

Píseň: Radio city serenade

Mark Knopfler
You’ve got to have no credit cards 
To know how good it feels
The howling of the bridges
The sidewalks bound with steel
Sitting on the sidewalk 
With a party to arrange
May you never change

I stay out when I want to
Still she takes me back
Don’t know another girl 
Would cut me so much slack
Every wounded soldier 
Needs a lady with a light
To help him through the night

So blow a kiss to Radio City
My forever silhouette
Oh, you are so pretty
My beautiful Rockette
You’ve got my arms 
And the crosstown horns 
Going on - we’ve got it going on

Have I got you a river view
This one tops the list
Got a head full of you
And Irish Mist
I know I owe it
To the lady by the sea
Who still looks out for me

So blow a kiss to Radio City
My forever silhouette
Oh, you are so pretty
My beautiful Rockette
You’ve got my arms 
And the crosstown horns 
Going on - we’ve got it going on

You’ve got my arms 
And the crosstown horns 
Going on - we’ve got it going on
We’ve got it going on