Americký zpěvák původem z Chicaga, vl. jm. Samuel Cook (nar. 1931). Jeho záběr sahal od gospelu, blues a soulu až po swing a rock´n´roll. Od 40. let zpíval gospely, nejprve se svými sourozenci ve sk. Singing Children, později ve sk. Highway...

Píseň: But Not For Me

Sam Cooke
My Kind Of Blues
They're writing songs of love, but not for me
 A lucky star's above, but not for me
 With love to lead the way,
 I've found more clouds of grey
 Than any Russian play could guarantee

 I was a fool to fall and get that way
 Heigh ho, alas, and also lack-a-day
 Although I can't dismiss the memory of her kiss
 I know she's not for me

 It all began so well, but what an end
 This is the time a feller needs a friend
 Although I can't dismiss the memory of her kiss
 I'm so well aware she's not for me