Americký zpěvák původem z Chicaga, vl. jm. Samuel Cook (nar. 1931). Jeho záběr sahal od gospelu, blues a soulu až po swing a rock´n´roll. Od 40. let zpíval gospely, nejprve se svými sourozenci ve sk. Singing Children, později ve sk. Highway...

Píseň: You're Always On My Mind

Sam Cooke
My Kind Of Blues
you're always my mind
 instilled in my heart
 you're always on my mind
 although we are apart
 you're always, always
 always on my mind

 baby, the reason why I know
 I can't forget your face
 cause everywhere I go
 I see you everyplace
 you're always, always
 always on my mind

 life is so empty
 along with a broken heart
 please, please tell me
 honey, why did we have to part

 you know it's you I love
 to my heart you hold the key
 I pray the stars above
 that you hurry back to me
 you're always, always
 you're always on my mind