Americká diskotéková zpěvačka pocházející ze st. Massachusetts (nar. 1948), vl. jm. Ladonna Gaines. Donna Summer v dětství zpívala v černošském sboru. Od r. 1968 žije v NSR, kde zpívá hlavní roli v mnichovské inscenaci muzikálu Hair. Zároveň se...

Píseň: Fairy Tale High

Donna Summer
Once Upon a Time
On a fairy tale high

Don't you believe that your dreams all come true
The fairy tale world inside can bring it to you
You just have to wish, and you'll take off and fly

On a fairy tale high, fairy tale high
Fairy tale high, fairy tale high

On a fairy tale high

Just look around you, the dark clouds are far
Stand on your tiptoes, and reach for a star
As stardust comes sprinkling, it will brighten your eyes

On a fairy tale high, fairy tale high
Fairy tale high, fairy tale high

Fairy tale high, fairy tale high, fairy tale high

On a fairy tale high, feeling higher and higher
On a fairy tale high, feeling higher and higher
On a fairy tale high, feeling higher and higher
On a fairy tale high, feeling higher and higher
On a fairy tale high, feeling higher and higher