Americká diskotéková zpěvačka pocházející ze st. Massachusetts (nar. 1948), vl. jm. Ladonna Gaines. Donna Summer v dětství zpívala v černošském sboru. Od r. 1968 žije v NSR, kde zpívá hlavní roli v mnichovské inscenaci muzikálu Hair. Zároveň se...

Píseň: Working The Midnight Shift

Donna Summer
Once Upon a Time
I'm just a working girl, just earning a living
When the city's waking up, I'm going home

Working the midnight shift
While my friends are all out
They've all gone out dancing
They're out having fun

Working that midnight shift
For that extra little something
The things that are out of my reach
I need so bad

So bad, so bad

Seems like I'm always leaving
When all the others arrive
My body still carries on
But I'm dying inside

Working the midnight shift
While my friends are all out
They've all gone out dancing
They're out having fun

Working that midnight shift
For that extra little something
The things that are out of my reach
I need so bad

I need so bad, need so bad

Midnight shift, midnight shift
Midnight shift, midnight shift
Midnight shift, midnight shift

I'm just a working girl
Just earning a living
When the city's waking up
I'm going home

Working the midnight shift
While my friends are all out
They've all gone out dancing

Midnight shift, midnight shift
Midnight shift, midnight shift
Midnight shift, midnight shift
Midnight shift, midnight shift
Midnight shift, midnight shift
Midnight shift, midnight shift