Herbert Arthur Wiglev Clamor Grönemeyer je německý zpěvák, hudebník a herec, velice oblíbený v Německu, Rakousku a Švýcarsku. Jeho páté album, 4630 Bochum z roku 1984, bylo největším německým hudebním bestsellerem všech dob. V roce 2002 dosáhl...

Píseň: Hard Heads

Herbert Grönemeyer
Chaos (Englisch)
On the street, it's blood and boots
'round at mum's, they're tea and smiles 
on their own they're going nowhere
but in their gang they can goosestep miles 

Get the hard on when they're hunting
prowling for their prey in packs 
real hard cards in real hard toe caps
they'd collapse should you push back 

Hard boiled heads
who've had their small brains
scrambled soft 
jellies with no bone 
leaderless tape
playing back hatred, sounding tough
en masse, but not alone! 

See the victim wheelchair weak
poor and homeless in the park 
now the wolves are closing in
cowards hidden by the dark 

With their deadly killer dogs
they think they're sharp just like the teeth 
but its racist paranoia
bites them on their soft beneath 

Hard boiled heads
who've had their small brains
scrambled soft 
jellies with no bone 
leaderless tape
playing back hatred, sounding tough
en masse, but not alone! 

They wash their minds in slogans white
and hang them up until they've dried 
marching to a clean new world
while running from the skunk inside 

Hard boiled heads
who've had their small brains
scrambled soft 
jellies with no bone 
leaderless tape
playing back hatred, sounding tough
en masse, but not alone! 

Soul less, booted human tanks
they're crushing all that's different 
while smart, white collar criminals
push cannon fodder to the front 

Hard boiled heads
who've had their small brains
scrambled soft 
jellies with no bone 
leaderless tape
playing back hatred, sounding tough
en masse, but not alone!