Herbert Arthur Wiglev Clamor Grönemeyer je německý zpěvák, hudebník a herec, velice oblíbený v Německu, Rakousku a Švýcarsku. Jeho páté album, 4630 Bochum z roku 1984, bylo největším německým hudebním bestsellerem všech dob. V roce 2002 dosáhl...

Píseň: The Wave

Herbert Grönemeyer
Chaos (Englisch)
Goodbye, my life will soon en
I know they'll all blame you 
as for all the flowers i sent
you bastard, you let them die too! 

when I'm dead how sorry you'll be
all that grief upon your plate 
then you'll have to make time for me
but, ha, ha!, by then you'll be too late 

I see the headlines on the front page
'singer kills himself for love' 
think of all the hurt and outrage 
it would cause in my fan club 

Loading rocks into their purses
they will lay in wait for you 
cover you in spit and curses
it's your worst fears all coming true 

Newspapers will pull apart 
the poor excuses you gave 
a million fans with broken hearts
their tears will rain down on my grave 

Your life will be hell from now on,
like a wave they'll all be coming at ya 
in an angry human sea 
a quick one upon your hotel room floor 
is all i'm wanting you for 
cost you too much to reject me 

My girl gang can get quite mad 
so make love to me my dear 
to turn me down would be real bad
one phone call ... I can bring those harpies here 

And I bet my golden balls
that all my fans pull and tear 
and with ugly midnight phone calls
turn your sweet dreams into nightmares 

With jealous mouths like snarling roses 
you will see them close in 
and singing songs that i've composed
they'll slowly rip you limb from limb 

Your life will be hell from now on,
like a wave they'll all be coming at ya 
in an angry human sea 
a quick one upon your hotel room floor 
is all i'm wanting you for 
cost you too much to reject me