Známý kytarista a zpěvák pocházející ze skotského Glasgowa (nar. 1949). Začínal v Leedsu v country-bluesovém duu Duolin String Pickers (se Stevem Phillipsem). Od r. 1977 leader sk. Dire Straits. V polovině osmdesátých let vystoupil na vrchol s...

Píseň: Monteleone

Mark Knopfler
Get Lucky
The chisels are calling
it's time to make sawdust
Steely reminders of things left to do
A mandolin?s waiting for you

My fingerplane's working
Gentle persuasion
I bend to the wood and I coax it to sing

Your new one and only will ring
Your new one and only will ring

The rain on the window
The snow on the gravel
The seasons go by to the songs in the wood

Too quick or too careless
It all could unravel
It so easily could

The chisels are calling
it's back for an encore
Back to the shavings that cover the floor

A call for more
A call for more