Známý kytarista a zpěvák pocházející ze skotského Glasgowa (nar. 1949). Začínal v Leedsu v country-bluesovém duu Duolin String Pickers (se Stevem Phillipsem). Od r. 1977 leader sk. Dire Straits. V polovině osmdesátých let vystoupil na vrchol s...

Píseň: You can't beat the house

Mark Knopfler
Get Lucky
You can't fool a fooler
I can tell when a John got jazzed by a Jezebel
You can't beat the house
You can't beat the house
Tell the man somebody
You can't beat the house

When these horn dogs
get lucky with dough
they'll blow it on the rooster
and the girls of Smokey Row
You can't beat the house
You can't beat the house
Now tell the man somebody
You can't beat the house

You want to buy you a dance
don't buy it in here
It's all skin games and jelly roll
red-eye and beer
They're all as mean as rat snakes
all got knives in their boots
Even the piano player, man,
he don't care who he shoots

See that little home wrecker
in the backroom
She'll pick your pocket
With her pet raccoon
You can't beat the house
You can't beat the house
Tell the man, somebody
You can't beat the house