Irský rockový a bluesový kytarista a zpěvák, původem z Belfastu (nar. 1952). Počátkem 70. let působí ve sk. Skid Row (2 alba pro CBS). Poté zakládá vlastní Gary Moore Band a vzniká album Grinding Stone (1973). Následně je členem sk. Colosseum II...

Píseň: One Good Reason

Gary Moore
Dark Days In Paradise
Take me out of here
This place is getting much too small
Make me disappear
Vanish through the nearest wall

Give me one good reason why i should stay
Give me one good reason to go on this way
Give me one good reason why i should stay with you
With you

Take me out of here
This place is closing in on me
Make it disappear
Somewhere else i wanna be

Give me one good reason why i should stay
Give me one good reason to go on this way
Give me one good reason why i should stay with you
With you

Give me one good reason why i should stay
Give me one good reason to go on this way
Give me one good reason why i should stay with you
With you
With you

Take me out of here