Slavný americký zpěvák a kytarista oblasti rocku, rockabilly a country. Narozen r. 1936 v Texasu, hudebně ovlivněn Donem Gibsonem. V 1. pol. 50. let působil v countryové sk. Wink Westerners. V r. 1955 zpívá už R&R; ve sk. Teen Kings (1 singl)....

Píseň: Summersong

Roy Orbison
Our summersong lingers on in my memory 
 Since you've been gone from me 
 Summer's come again, and again I'm alone 
 Wish you were near when I hear our summersong 

 Our summersong lives on and on and on 
 Inside of me, and it will, yes 
 Until you return to me 

 Oh, when the leaves fall away from the trees 
 I'll still be blue all winter long 
 And I'll sing our summersong and dream of you 
 I'll sing our summersong and dream of you