John Anthony Frusciante (vyslovuje se "froo-shon-tay") se narodil 5.března 1970 v newyorské čtvrti Queens. Jeho otec John a matka Gail byli aktivními muzikanty (hlas jeho matky je možné slyšet v hitu Under The Bridge). Má dva bratry...

Píseň: The Mirror

John Frusciante
The Will To Death
Hit in the face when you open a door
Unconsiderate to yourself you are always out of tune to you

Stepping back from where you are
Nevers angle is one for all
Fired by an unknown eye

That wasn't always a place for you to cry
Everyone knows becoming’s what you do when you die
The face in the mirror is not me

How many times have you been to the back
No one to see and nothing to laugh at
Going everywhere at once

Time does a crawl back to where it doesn’t show
No one means me when they say people don’t grow
The face in the mirror is not me
The face in the mirror is not me