Koníčky: "Hodně sportuju - hrál jsem profesionálně basketbal, stolní tenis, tenis. Hraju na kytaru a hodně čtu, koukám na televizi a ze všeho nejraději samozřejmě zpívám. Dětství Ali Amiri se narodil v Teheránu, hlavním městě Íránu. Má...

Píseň: Yallah Ya Shabab (Come Along Guys)

Ali Amiri
A Piece Of My Heart
Come along guys, come along guys 
Let's sing together 
Darling, my love 

Tonight your look is warmer then the sunshine 
Your lips are more red then the roses 
Tonight you are more beautiful than ever 
Tonight is our night 
And I'll ever long this night

Come along guys, come along guys 
Let's sing together 
Darling, my love 

Your eyes are like a song that I keep on singing it 
Your looks are magical, it makes me wonder 
Your name is in my most beautiful songs 
And you are the meaning of my each song 
You are my life and I'm so in love with you.