Lisa Chappell
herečka, zpěvačka, modelka, producentka
Hodnocení na 61%- Narození:
- 18. října 1968
- Věk:
- 56 let
Upravit profil
Lisa Capell má starší sestru Catherin a bratra Lokiho. Vystudovala herectví v Sydney a má na kontě již řadu televizních a filmových rolí. V roce 2002 získala cenu TV Week Logie Awards pro nejpopulárnější nový zensky talent. Lisa je skvělá...
Píseň: Dancing Hands
- Interpret:
- Lisa Chappell
- Album:
- When Then Is Now
Eyes sparkling, hands dancing Living in a world without sound Eyes sparkling, hands dancing Living in a world without sound She was young Time hadn’t yet weathered her face She was full of life Capturing the young man’s heart Eyes sparkling, hands dancing Living in a world without sound Eyes sparkling, hands dancing Living in a world without sound She was strong Resilient to what life had dealt her She was sexy in an "I don’t care what you think" kind of way But she did care what he thought Eyes sparkling, hands dancing Living in a world without sound Eyes sparkling, hands dancing Living in world without sound He was shy, tall and gangly Skin black as a star scattered night Teeth white and bright as she drew his smile out Again and again and again and again Eyes sparkling, hands dancing Living in a world without sound Eyes sparkling, hands dancing Living in a world without sound She was young She was sexy She was full of life Capturing the young man’s heart With her dancing hands He was a lucky man