Lisa Capell má starší sestru Catherin a bratra Lokiho. Vystudovala herectví v Sydney a má na kontě již řadu televizních a filmových rolí. V roce 2002 získala cenu TV Week Logie Awards pro nejpopulárnější nový zensky talent. Lisa je skvělá...

Píseň: When Then Is Now

Lisa Chappell
When Then Is Now
When the world stops running
And looks me in the eye
And starts to answer all my questions why
When God is patient and so am I
I’ll be happy

When life goes simply from a to b
And the pearly white flags are flowing free
Hope not blood is the story that leads
I’ll be happy

When my teeth stop hurting
And my bird stops hissing
And my doubts go missing I’ll be free
Ooh, ooh I’ll be happy

When my teeth stop hurting
And my bird stops hissing
And my doubts go missing I’ll be free
Ooh, ooh I’ll be happy

When then is now
When then is now
When then is now
When then is now

When our children's tears are not black stains
And our brothers and sisters don’t die in vain
When our mothers are free to breathe again
I’ll be happy

When we breathe in love and not bad air
When we call you friend anywhere
When our politicians really to start to care
I’ll be happy

When my teeth stop hurting
And my bird stops hissing
And my doubts go missing I’ll be free
Ooh, ooh, I’ll be happy

When my teeth stop hurting
And my bird stops hissing
And my doubts go missing I'll be free
Ooh, ooh, I'll be happy

When then is now
When then is now
When then is now
When then is now

When our minds expand
For more than one right
When we speak the words
That’ll stop the fight
When we all stop and look inside
I’ll be happy

When the father forgives
By the dying daughters side
When there’s no such thing
As youth suicide
When we’re all high on the joy of life
I’ll be happy

When my teeth stop hurting
And my bird stops hissing
And my doubts go missing I’ll be free
Ooh, ooh I’ll be happy

When my teeth stop hurting
And my bird stops hissing
And my doubts go missing I’ll be free
Ooh, ooh I’ll be happy

When then is now
When then is now
When then is now
When then is now (2x)