Lisa Capell má starší sestru Catherin a bratra Lokiho. Vystudovala herectví v Sydney a má na kontě již řadu televizních a filmových rolí. V roce 2002 získala cenu TV Week Logie Awards pro nejpopulárnější nový zensky talent. Lisa je skvělá...

Píseň: Pheromone City

Lisa Chappell
When Then Is Now
The boy with the bass and the hazy hazel eyes
The boy with the bass and the hazy hazel eyes
And the white, wide, dive into smile
And the white, wide, dive into smile

Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
The dance, the dance, the dance of Pheromone City

A detour on the highway of love and broken dreams
A detour on the highway of broken dreams
Reason step aside, logic go and hide
Let the tango that’s inside be free

Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
The dance, the dance, the dance of Pheromone City

Spring, springs forth and happiness abounds
And bounds and delights in a look in a touch
In a disappearing back in a gift and in a smile
In a maybe in a while in a whiff of the future
A respite from the past and a present of the present
In the ever present, present
Oh the dance, oh the dance
yes the dance, the dance, the dance of Pheromone City

Bodies aware of time, space and air
And that look on your face as you catch me unaware
And my smile leaps out and hits you in the mouth
Oh my smile leaps out and hits you in the mouth

Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
Come fill my dance card for that crazy old dance
The dance, the dance, the dance of Pheromone City

The boy with the bass and the hazy hazel eyes